Thursday, 5 May 2016

City Building!

By Sapphire B, 5 Blue

Thirty children from Year 5 had the opportunity to visit the Connected Learning Centre (CLC). We were introduced to Rowan and Anna, who helped us through the steps of building our own city in Minecraft.

Firstly, we had pieces of paper that had a building/place on it and we had to place it on website called City Plan. Then we had to explain why are building would fit perfectly in that spot. The next activity was when we could design our own mood board with an app called Comic Life. We could put pictures, change our writing, change the background and personalize it, but first we had to go on the internet and find what buildings you like and how you could make your building look like that one. While we were doing that, we went up to a whiteboard and placed our piece of paper in a coordinate, which is how mine craft is set in building mode.

Secondly, we had a chance to explore a world a next class had built in Year 5 and get to see how mine craft really works. Also we got to look inside buildings, but my favourite part was that we could fly. We had different controls but the game was still super fun.

Thirdly, we got to personalize our building in our own world. Rowan made us an assignment that we have to place a sign as soon as we got onto the world. Some of us had trouble making our building but in the end we got there. One of our friends had the best computer because you could freeze them if they made someone upset or angry. We could fly into people’s houses and we could play with them or swim with them. If we wanted materials, we had to press the letter E to get all the varieties of blocks, doors and water. Over all, we had a fantastic time with Rowan and Anna and we all enjoyed ourselves.