Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Victorian Tea Party!

We've spent a fraction of this week baking!   We used our knowledge of multiplying fractions to scale up a Victoria Sponge Cake recipe and we learnt all about where Victoria Sponge came from, before pulling our sleeves up and baking!  

What did you learn about Victoria Sponge Cake?   How did it help you with your understanding of fractions?

Tricky Tarsia Puzzles

We were using our knowledge of multiplying fractions to try and solve tarsia puzzles.  
"The final puzzle was really hard because we had to write the questions down first, so that we didn't get confused!" said Amisha, 5 Blue. 

What did you think of the challenge? Would you have any tips or tricks for someone trying to complete the same problem? 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

City Building!

By Sapphire B, 5 Blue

Thirty children from Year 5 had the opportunity to visit the Connected Learning Centre (CLC). We were introduced to Rowan and Anna, who helped us through the steps of building our own city in Minecraft.

Firstly, we had pieces of paper that had a building/place on it and we had to place it on website called City Plan. Then we had to explain why are building would fit perfectly in that spot. The next activity was when we could design our own mood board with an app called Comic Life. We could put pictures, change our writing, change the background and personalize it, but first we had to go on the internet and find what buildings you like and how you could make your building look like that one. While we were doing that, we went up to a whiteboard and placed our piece of paper in a coordinate, which is how mine craft is set in building mode.

Secondly, we had a chance to explore a world a next class had built in Year 5 and get to see how mine craft really works. Also we got to look inside buildings, but my favourite part was that we could fly. We had different controls but the game was still super fun.

Thirdly, we got to personalize our building in our own world. Rowan made us an assignment that we have to place a sign as soon as we got onto the world. Some of us had trouble making our building but in the end we got there. One of our friends had the best computer because you could freeze them if they made someone upset or angry. We could fly into people’s houses and we could play with them or swim with them. If we wanted materials, we had to press the letter E to get all the varieties of blocks, doors and water. Over all, we had a fantastic time with Rowan and Anna and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Planets

We've been learning all about the planets, and even coming up with our own mnemonic to remember them by.  What is your mnemonic for remembering the order of the planets? What interesting facts have you found out about the planets in our solar system?

Monday, 22 February 2016

500 Words

Year 5 have been given the challenge of writing a short story to submit into the BBC's 500 words competition. The creative juices have begun flowing, and we have planned our stories. Today we move onto writing them! It's going to require a lot of delving into our writer's tool kits - that the children have spent most of their school days assembling - but I think the results are going to be worth it!  

What is your story about? Does it have a twist or a turn? How are you going to hook the judges of the competition, and make sure they don't want to put your tale down?

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Meet The Minotaur

This week we've been writing in role as The Minotaur.  
Choose your favourite paragraph from your work and post it in the comments section so that we can all read one another's writing. 

Once you've posted your work have a look at other pupils' writing and let them know what you think. 

Monday, 1 February 2016

Entering The Ancient Olympics!

If you could enter the Olympics in Ancient Greece, what sport would you enter for and why? Are there any that you wouldn't want to participate in? Why not?

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Our new marvellous menu

Our school menu is changing. Have a look a the new rota.  What do you think? Is there any day you'll be looking forward to school dinners more than others? Why?

Friday, 22 January 2016

Ancient Greek Artefacts - Embedded Clauses

Here at Hill Mead Historical Society, we've dug up some unusual Ancient Greek artifacts.  
Your job as good historians is to use embedded clauses to add extra detail to your sentences about each of the artifacts we have found. 

For example, These three heads, which are worn and fragile, show the God Of War Aries. 

Can you write sentences, which include embedded clauses, for each of these pictures and post your ideas in the comments below? 

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Can you solve the Labyrinth?

In the Greek myth we have been studying, King Minos asked Daedalus to build him an unimaginable labyrinth.  A maze so complex, that no one ever escaped!

Can you solve King Minos' impossible maze?

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Modal Verbs

Remember what 'mode' means in maths? It's how often something occurs. 

Modal verbs are the same. They tell you how often something happens or the likelihood of something happening. 

Can you play these modal verb activities and see how well you can do? 

5 Blue

5 Red

Friday, 8 January 2016

Ancient Greek Wordsearch

Can you find all the mythical characters from Ancient Greek mythology in this wordsearch?  How many did you find?

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Mesmerising Measurements

At the beginning of the year we hopped over fractions, skipped over decimals and now we have jumped into measurement..  It all links with our Ancient Greek topic, as we are going to be learning a lot about the Olympics both in and out of the classroom. 

With that in mind, can you answer these questions about measurement from BBC Bitesize?  Post your score in the comments so we can see who can get the highest! 

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Clauses and Phrases

We are learning about the different ways sentences are made up.  This week we have focused particularly on clauses and phrases. 

Here are some games for you to play during Guided Reading to help with your Spelling and Grammar:  I have highlighted the colour of your class. 

5 Blue: