Monday, 22 February 2016

500 Words

Year 5 have been given the challenge of writing a short story to submit into the BBC's 500 words competition. The creative juices have begun flowing, and we have planned our stories. Today we move onto writing them! It's going to require a lot of delving into our writer's tool kits - that the children have spent most of their school days assembling - but I think the results are going to be worth it!  

What is your story about? Does it have a twist or a turn? How are you going to hook the judges of the competition, and make sure they don't want to put your tale down?

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Meet The Minotaur

This week we've been writing in role as The Minotaur.  
Choose your favourite paragraph from your work and post it in the comments section so that we can all read one another's writing. 

Once you've posted your work have a look at other pupils' writing and let them know what you think. 

Monday, 1 February 2016

Entering The Ancient Olympics!

If you could enter the Olympics in Ancient Greece, what sport would you enter for and why? Are there any that you wouldn't want to participate in? Why not?