Wednesday 11 November 2015

Slave Ship Sorrows

We have been learning about the famous Georgian, Olaudah Equiano. What do you know about his experience on a slave ship? What were the conditions like on board this vessel? How would you feel about being in such a place?


  1. Was there any windows?

    1. There was no windows and that is very bad.

    2. That's right Savannah. The hold is usually underneath the water, and so there is little to no light, Javan.

  2. Equiano had a hard time living in the ship especially he was a rich prince.

  3. Equiano on the slave ship had been put under deck .

  4. On the ship the conditions were pestilential.

  5. why aint there windows.

  6. shanika & jenniel11 November 2015 at 06:30

    the slaves are confined together

  7. he was suffocating and nearly died. luckily he made it and tried to stop slavery by going to communities to change slavery

  8. Equiano nearly died on the ship

  9. If I were on ship as a slave I would miss my family as I would have been away from them for a very long time.

  10. shanika & jenniel11 November 2015 at 06:33

    in the bottam of the deck there was a stench which was the swet of the slaves and and they nerly suffaceted

  11. the slaves was put under the deck and they could not breath prorly

  12. On the slave ship people were confined. this created copious perspiration. As this caused sickness the air was filled with a extraordinary pestilential disease. people suffocated.Because this caused death people had to go below deck.

  13. the thing I liked about equiano's story is that I like the big words for example confined

  14. Ronnie and radeah11 November 2015 at 06:39

    If I was on a vessel I would miss my family and if I have to go under deck I would feel upset because the white people have fresh air

  15. 1.I know that the slaves that were under deck were in an confined space

    2. The conditions under deck were horrible because there was an awful stench

    3. I would have felt like fainting because there would have been copious persperation coming from my forehead because it was hot inside the deck


  16. The first thing which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which was then riding at anchor and waiting for its cargo.
    I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if I were known by some of the crew; and I was now persuaded that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits and that they were going to kill me. Their appearance seemed so much from ours, their long hair, and the language they spoke made me believe this. Their was no more hope for me.

  17. The experience for Equiano was he could hardly breath under the deck because of a unimaginable stench. Also the conditions were pestilential. And after while all that was happening he was confined in a bunch of slaves!

  18. If i was on the ship I would feel agitated .

  19. Equiano had a bad experience on the slave ship and the condition was bad on the ship .It was stench on the ship because there was too many people on board.

  20. The condition on board was bad for people like Equiano because you would have to be put under deck were you can die of the conditions.

  21. On the vessel you get treated bad and may die.

  22. On the slave ship Equaino was sick that they put him on top of the vessel for air.

  23. the conditions on this vessel were there were many loathsome smells , there were also bad stenches , i would feel bad on this vessel

  24. this blog is fantastic for them to learn about black georgians.

  25. this post is good because these questions are hard enough for a year5

    1. What would you like to ask them about their topic Edem?

    2. i like that they are learning about something in history

  26. On the slave ship the slaves were put in a penned space and the air conditions were bad.

  27. It was hard for the slaves because they could barely move and some children drowned in tubs because there was no space.People were also sweating and the sweating caused a infectious disease

  28. Olaudah equiano must of been scary because he was on the cargo ship and to be slave.

  29. I think time on the ship was boring and the air was bad for them.

  30. people got copios perspiration it then lead them to pestilential you disease. People were so confined that there wasn't enough air. People surfcated and then died

  31. Well Equaion was a slave and he must have been very sick some people died in the dark and the the people will the throw them overboard.

  32. He saw baby dieing and people falling into tubs
